Thursday 27 March 2014

Jarad's Jargon

Keep those easter egg raffles coming in.  At the moment we almost have enough for one placing, though the other baskets are still empty.  These need to be in by 11th April so the baskets can be made up and put on display for the last week of term.  Tickets will be sent out next week.

Can you please keep the school front gate closed when you come to school.  It is a busy road and we always have young students new to the school and Hastings road can get very busy at times.

Please note that the pool will be closed from next Monday onwards.  This means we will not be testing or chlorinating the pool after the weekend.

Head lice is once again doing the rounds at school.  I know that this can often be an expensive and frustrating time for all families at the school.  If you know your child has had head lice can you please be vigilant and check their hair on a regular basis.  If you see signs, please treat your child's hair.  I appreciate that this can be a time consuming and expensive process, but if nothing is done then the problem on your child's head becomes a problem for everyone else they come in close contact with.  Don't forget that you need to retreat your child's hair after seven days of first treatment.

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