Thursday 29 May 2014

Jarad's Jargon

A reminder that on the 27th of June the school will be holding a BINGO night.  It will be a great chance to bring the family and have a great night.  For some of the prizes we are doing a collection over the next couple of weeks.  Next week we are looking for CANS and BOTTLES.  Could you please send your donation to the school office.  There is a house competition going where each object will earn house points.

If your child is away from school can you please let the school know by phone or text.  We can spend a large amount of time trying to ring parents and caregivers to find out why children are away from school.  The Ministry also require us to clarify the type of absence, which range from medicals to holidays and everything in between.  If we cannot reach you and you do not make contact, the attendance system automatically registers your child as truant so please make contact when possible.

Have a great weekend,

Thursday 22 May 2014

Jarad's Jargon

Our school blogs are in full swing and there are some fantastic examples of work on them at the moment.  You can go to the school blogs by clicking on the room numbers on the side of our website.  There is also a great feature on a number of the blogs where you can receive updates when new posts are made by entering your email.

Head lice are once again finding their way around our school.  Can you please be vigilant at home, as it only takes one or two students to come to school with head lice to spread it around the classroom.  If you would like help with treatment, contact the school and we can get our public health nurse to help out.  There are a number of preventative steps you can take that can be found online from tea-tree oil or spraying lacquer hair spray before they come to school.  If your child has head lice, remember that it takes multiple treatments to remove them.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Thursday 15 May 2014

Jarad's Jargon

Last night our School Parent's Association held its AGM.  In an effort to welcome new parents into our community and to gather as a community we will be holding a Bingo/Battons Up night on the 27th of June.  It's a great opportunity to bring your children and have a fun night while reinforcing some great math number identification!!!  For the next few weeks we will be asking for donations for prizes based on a particular theme.  Everything will be packaged up and given out as prizes.  Next week we will be collecting "CANS".
Have a great weekend everyone,

Thursday 8 May 2014

Jarad's Jargon

Welcome back to school for Term 2!!!  We have lots in store this term and it will fizz by, especially as it is only a nine week term.

A reminder to everyone that there will be no school next Monday and Tuesday.  The teachers are visiting some high performing schools in Auckland as part of our professional development this year.  It is an important part of teacher development to observe other classrooms and schools to help develop their own practise, and it is a powerful exercise to collaborate between staff and schools.  We are not only looking at how they use technology in the classrooms, but will be noting teaching methods across all the curriculum areas with the aim to further enhance what we are doing at Matapu.  As we will be travelling with Opunake and Auroa, it is also a great opportunity to share ideas amongst the three schools.

Our year 5/6 rugby and netball teams are playing in the local competition over the next few weeks.  We have games in weeks two, three and four, with a possibility of games later in the term if we make the semi-finals.  Best of luck to players and coaches for our game against Eltham next Wednesday.  Please don't forget your gear after the long weekend!

Have a great weekend everyone.