Thursday 29 May 2014

Jarad's Jargon

A reminder that on the 27th of June the school will be holding a BINGO night.  It will be a great chance to bring the family and have a great night.  For some of the prizes we are doing a collection over the next couple of weeks.  Next week we are looking for CANS and BOTTLES.  Could you please send your donation to the school office.  There is a house competition going where each object will earn house points.

If your child is away from school can you please let the school know by phone or text.  We can spend a large amount of time trying to ring parents and caregivers to find out why children are away from school.  The Ministry also require us to clarify the type of absence, which range from medicals to holidays and everything in between.  If we cannot reach you and you do not make contact, the attendance system automatically registers your child as truant so please make contact when possible.

Have a great weekend,

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